Ritual and magic to align with higher consciousness

About Or Nah

Yogini Priestess, Astro-feminist & L’imperactrice


Katie is a yogini priestess, astro-feminist & spiritual gangsta hailing from the blessed coast. She received her 200-hour yoga and reiki certification in 2011 with Deborah Hanekamp @Mamamedicine and has led classes in studios, gardens, women’s shelters and arts venues throughout the US, UK and Asia. In 2019, she completed a Trauma-Sensitive YTT with the Lineage Project. A long-time student of Siri Rishi, her practice fuses Hatha-Vinyasa, Kundalini and shamanic styles of yoga; encompassing the sacred alchemy of asana, mantra and pranayama breath work. A pioneer of Hip Hop Yoga, Katie’s transformational work lies under a sacred canopy of co-created ritual and magic to align with higher consciousness.

Or Nah now offers *Astro Insights* for individuals & couples


Yoga and Spiritual Mentorship with Or Nah


Ideal for those looking to deepen their yoga practice, strengthen spiritual hygiene and radical self-care. Offers rejuvenation, peace of mind, increased radiance, strength, energy & vitality.

$75 hour / $100 90 mins In-person or Zoom


Three synchronous Hip Hop Yoga sessions with Or Nah encompassing Divination, Spiritual Mentorship, Astro-insights, Personalized Yoga & Mantra, Magic Manifestation Techniques and Spell Casting.

Ideal for modern mystics and radical creatives, Or Nah offers mentorship around harnessing personal power and reclaiming dominion over your creations and energy. Practical magic to create your most opulent, joyful, emotionally fulfilling life.

$399 - 1.5 hour Weekly via Zoom


Nine synchronous Hip Hop Yoga Sessions, includes all aspects of the HER FLYNESS package, plus:

- Curated Weekly Inspiration Readings

- Yoni Clearing


- Polishing your *Swan Song* Hip Hop Yoga Flow

Ideal for female-identified folks that wish to heal the Yoni-Throat connection, move through personal blocks & clear relationship and ancestral karma effecting the womb. Word witchery for healing, empowerment and magical manifestation.

$1,111 - 1.5 hour Weekly via Zoom

In-Person Vinyasa

Mondays 9:30am Urban Community Yoga

Fridays 5pm Urban Community Yoga

Urban Asanas (sliding scale) $15-22

Join Katie for an open-level Vinyasa flow at Urban Asanas the first Black-woman owned studio of Crown Heights!


“Katie draws from different schools of astrology such as Shamanic and feminist which really allows one to look at their identity and the roadmap of their life as a plethora of possibilities. She shines a light on the places we’ve been taught to overlook. She’ll look deeply at the placement of the asteroid that cannot be pinned down, or point out the house in your chart that is void of planets.With her great insight and understanding of the importance of the decolonization of oppressive ideas and structures, she has the capacity to awaken a circular vision that can empower one to flip the script of their lives entirely if they really wanted to. I super recommend to not miss out on her magic!”

- Fanny Perez, Artist

“I have been feeling all the shifts and experiencing what feels like rebirth, and I would really never be here without you, it was the activating component of the inner work I’ve been doing for years that just wasn’t working. I have released so much from the past and have a better quality of life every day because of how you helped me visualize and create a safe space within myself for just me…just wanted you to know that either way! I am grateful to have found your paint of energy in this lifetime. Shine like you do always.”

- Sapna Reena, Sustainable Fashion, Mumbai

“Katie's feminist perspective is a breath of fresh air and a much-needed addition to the world of astrology. I was thoroughly impressed with the reading I received. Katie delved into my chart with meticulous detail and emphasized significant aspects and upcoming events. The interactive nature of the session allowed me to ask questions and witness Katie's thoughtful and insightful analysis, which she skilfully delivered with a unique blend of creativity and intuition. Her work was a treasure trove of knowledge. It took me weeks to fully digest the wealth of information she provided, and even then, I found myself revisiting it time and again. The depth and breadth of her analysis ensured that the reading continued to offer new insights, making it an invaluable resource. Katie is a true word maestro, infusing her work with a feminist lens that shines a light on the often-overlooked role of women in history and mythology. Her interpretations go beyond traditional notions and question the assumption that strength and power are exclusively male attributes. By unveiling the ways in which the patriarchy has erased or distorted the contributions of women and feminine qualities in astrology and beyond, Katie's commitment to celebrating diversity and challenging established narratives makes her a guiding light. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to anyone seeking an empowering and enlightening journey through astrology.”  

- Lotte, Artist (UK)

“Katie is a courageous Mom, Artist, Yogini, and devout Goddess Worshipper who combines brave words and beautiful images. I always feel a little stronger, more capable and more confident after spending an hour in her magical presence.”

- Miranda Leigh, Alchemist

“When I was looking for a prenatal yoga instructor, I knew that Katie was the perfect teacher for me. Knowing that she has experience in all the transitions and portals of motherhood, I was confident that she would lead an extraordinary class that would give attention to all the things a growing mama body, mind and spirit needs. Katie was very attentive to how I was feeling and what I felt comfortable doing. She helped me relieve the sciatic pain I was experiencing majorly! She led the class with love, grace and humor. Her approach encapsulates a special trinity of poses, kundalini breath work and mantra chanting. I still practice what I learned from her class as it’s helped my pregnancy tremendously!”  

- Natalia Yovane, Artist

"I feel so blessed that I had the chance to meet and work with you several years before I decided to have a baby. The things I learned from you have helped a lot in navigating how I want to give birth and be a mother. I'm pretty sure the vaginal steaming that you introduced me to helped clear up my infertility problems as well.”                  

- Zahraa, Egyptologist

“Katie's steadfast presence as a yoga teacher, space holder, fellow artist, and friend has been a key in my recovery process with Complex PTSD, and a key also in my ability to let go of heartbreak around past faulty leadership. Katie does not shy away from the trauma or shadows, the disappointments or hope, and even on the days when I am a broken record, she's not mean about it, but lovingly present to witness you getting out of your own way. Katie’s transitions in the asana portion of our practice is absolutely sweet plus organic. The first time I had class with her, I giggled, because no one had ever moved me thru the poses with such unique sensibility. I am finally at a point in my life wherein I trust myself to have my own practice consistently- it's taken me awhile, but it's been well worth it to finally find a teacher who is a genuinely good human and understands that folks outside of "the norm" deserve a safe space to practice at their own pace, and Katie has truly taught me how. I have new tools and new chants and a lifetime of support ahead. TY, Katie, for your beloved work!!”

- Kelly Shaw Nyala, Artist


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